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Caillou : Caillou Leads the Parade Caillou Bedtime Songs little sound book, baby's collection, make a noise, interactive reading, soundboard book, button sound book, interactive sound book sound effects book, Publications International, background music, electronic book, push the button, hear sounds hear character phrases, English, children, baby, caillou, caillou home page caillou pbs kid, caillou game, caillou toy, caillou caillou, caillou birthday, caillou coloring pages, pbs caillou, caillou picture, brother caillou, pbs kid, pbs kid game, pbs kid gopbs kid character, go pbs kid
In French, caillou usually means "pebble" or "stone", but it can also mean "bald head".

Caillou is your everyday 4-year-old - albeit a bald one. He is curious, noisy, and can really throw a tantrum (which is the target of criticism among many), often seen wearing a yellow T-Shirt with a red collar and blue shorts. Caillou was designed primarily for toddlers aged between 2-6 years old and was created by child developmental psychologists.








Caillou : Caillou Leads the Parade




Caillou : Songs I love. Songbook with Electronic Piano


All prices in US Dollars

Caillou has received various awards, including Bronze World Medal from the New York Festivals.
The series was originally aired in the French-speaking region of Quebec, Canada, and the episodes were later translated into English. The original books were also in French.


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